Saturday, September 26, 2009

money money money

well, i've realized that although cooking is extremely fun, it's also very expensive. it's only 3 weeks into school and i've already spent $50 on making food for people. not groceries, that bill is at least 5 times as much, this is just spur of the moment make someone a treat or dinner. it was really fun though! i have decided that the best way to cook is too have someone else buy the ingredients, like a generous older brother perhaps. (thanks noah!) i have figured out that bread is very cheap though. only about 36¢ per loaf without add-ins like garlic or cheese, and even that isn't too bad in small amounts. i think that'll be my generic thing to give people instead of cookies. it's kind of refreshing too, cuz everyone always brings cookies and brownies and cakes and stuff. i guess these are the kind of things i think about when i'm taking three econ classes :)


  1. THREE econ classes? You should totally be an econ major. Ooooh... and then you could go into an econ PhD program. UNR has a good PhD program in resource economics. Since they don't have a PhD in math, I've been half considering doing it myself. We could do it together! You could live with me! It would be SOOOOO much fun!

  2. You are so cute kelli kay! i just love you!!

  3. Dearest Kelli, it's been a while since you've posted. Please! Post! I love reading your blog!
    Love, your friend.
